Ashtead All Stars (AAS) are very proud of our unique and distinctive black and purple club kit.   Our netball players look really smart whilst the kit is also hard-wearing, practical and decent with matching additions that cater for all weather. 

A full list of available kit is provided below and pictures can be seen on our supplier’s website.  

AAS kit is available to buy from . Xrcise is a local Leatherhead business run by Richard Trevarthen. 

Please note that Ashtead All Stars do not make any profit from any kit items. 

AAS kit must not be personalized e.g. initials, nicknames and surnames must not be added.  This is for safeguarding reasons and to ensure that kit remains uniform and smart. 

Purchasing Club Kit

AAS kit is available to buy from . Xrcise is a local Leatherhead business run by Richard Trevarthen. 
You can order kit by visiting,  emailing or calling 01372 368703.

Xrcise deals with all sales, but if you have any specific queries please contact Sarah Little, Kit Secretary, who will be able to advise you.
Mobile: 07863 544978

Second Hand Club and County Kit

A small amount of second hand kit is held by Sarah Little.  Sarah is always happy to receive donations of club and county kit, and will sell all donations at club events such as the End of Season tournament.  Please contact Sarah directly to make a donation or to enquire about a particular item. 

All profit from the sale of second hand kit goes to AAS.

Kit Information